10. My mom is an open book to me. She has shared so many stories, from past and present, that I don't think other mom's would share with their daughters.
9. She drives a car (Mitsubishi Eclipes) that most 20-somethings would be envious of and rocks out loud on her Rockford Fosgate.
8. Although happily married now, worked hard a majority of her life as a single mom to make sure I was taken care of.
7. Is beautiful - inside and out.
6. Can laugh with me about the most insane things - I'm pretty sure my dad and husband thing WE'RE insane.
5. Is giving - emotionally, physically, spiritually...
4. Will still let me curl up next to her while watching a movie. If I could still fit behind her knees I'm sure I would.
3. Finds time to talk to me nearly everyday, which when living hundreds of miles apart is priceless.
2. She is proud of me and lets me know it - I never have to question it.
1. She loves me and my family, endlessly. She adores her grandchildren and has welcomed her son-in-law to the family with open arms. Her love overflows.
Momma, I love you to the moon and back!!