Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

I've been on the hunt for something to jump start my blog again and I was directed to this challege: 10 Things Tuesday. 10 Things Tuesday encourages you to write 10 things you are thankful for. Thank you to XBOX WIFE for this inspiration!

10 Things I'm Thankful For:
  1. The birds have finally discovered my bird feeder and are willing to brave eating out of it despite my bird-hunting cats. They [the birds] are so much entertainment to watch.
  2. God is good. He has provided so many blessings to people close to me [my family included]. I praise all of His works.
  3. Little Man is enjoying school. On days that he's not feeling well he says, "school will make me feel better."
  4. I've been given a job that lets me bring my kids with me and bring additional, valuable, income into our household.
  5. My in-laws came to visit this weekend and we were able to enjoy the last few beautiful sunny days of summer/fall together.
  6. My mommy is flying in on Sunday. She will be here to celebrate Little Man's 5th birthday with us.
  7. My DH's still has his job. His company recently was bought out and that kind of shake up always causes a stir.
  8. I have amazing friends who are beautiful inside and out.
  9. My children express love towards each other and mean it.
  10. God always knows what doors to open and which to close.

Having a thankful attitude is contagious - what are you thankful. I encourage you to recognize the things in your life that you are thankful for and share them with others.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Building Your House

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1

What does your house look like?

Is it just a house. Does it have four walls, a roof, and few items here and there? Has it always remained just a house or have you built it into a home? A place where anyone can walk in and know that life happens there.

Building a house is not just about structural integrity, but about the life, love, and lessons that come out of it. The four walls of a house eventually become the vessel in which a home is held. Proverbs 14:1 says "the wise woman builds her house." We build our homes by:

  • Keeping our homes out of CHAOS (visit FlyLady to find the definition of C.H.A.O.S)

  • Creating a sanctuary, a place of refuge

  • Molding the hearts of our children

  • Encouraging our husbands

  • Opening our homes to friends, family, and everyone in between

  • Making Christ the rock in which our home stands - a firm foundation

Our lists go on and on. Building a home is an unending process. It takes constant care and tending to. The opposite can be said of the rest of Proverbs 14:1 where it goes on to say, "the foolish one tears hers down." Doesn't it seem like tearing something down comes so much easier than building it up? It does for me.

Just today (and the past week for that matter) we've digressed in the potty training department at our house. Miss K has done a 180. Just when we thought we were over the final hurdle and on to diaper freedom she is back to having several accidents a day. My gut human instinct was to be upset and discipline her (read: tear her down) for the accident. After all, she knew it was bad, right?!? Then I stepped back and realized that I wasn't building her up and being of encouragement to her. Would it have been easier to get angry? Yes. However, she and I sat down and talked about her body queues, how big she's getting, and how proud her daddy and I are of her.

This is not to toot my own horn, because let me be the first to admit - I've taken the easy road of tearing down many a time. This is to say, however, that I've been there and if I can stop myself in the midst of tearing something down in my home - so can you!

What areas do you struggle in building a home? Encouraging your husband, teaching your children, the laundry, the dishes, the meal planning, the errands, the budgeting, etc? I encourage you to identify your thing and do a 180 with IT - make it your hearts desire to have that be an area of strength in your home and family, not an area where the structural integrity is compromised.

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