Hi to all! Sorry I've been away for so long. Now that 2008 is here and apparently sticking around (at least for another 342 days) I thought I should update you all on what's been happening.
2008 started off with me celebrating my 27th birthday! This year I was fortunate enough to celebrate with some of our closest friends - who also have January birthdays (the 3rd and 9th, with me in the middle on the 7th). We got to be adults and actually went to dinner minus children. My mother-in-law was in town and graciously watched the munchkins. We went to Olive Garden and had carb over load, washed down with chocolate martinis. Yummo! We truly need to do that more often...
The rest of the month has been spent mostly inside. As I type this it's 13 degrees out. That's an improvement over the 6 degrees when we woke up. It's decieving, though. The sky is crystal clear and the sun is shining. It makes you want to put on shorts, take a nice walk, and breath the fresh air. Actually walking outside gives you a quick reality check...you wish you would have put on a couple more layers, the cold air tightens your chest, and the slick ice is a reminder you should have just stayed inside.
We took some of our Christmas funds that we received and purchased some new software. It's.....drum roll, please....Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0. About a year ago I worked with Photoshop Elements doing digital scrapbook pages. Sadly, it was a trial version. My subscription ran out and I didn't have the funds at the time to purchase the software. Thanks to Costco haven't a $30 off coupon, I'm back in action!
It's amazing to me how your creative juices dry up when you aren't using them. I've had this software for several days now and I feel like I'm producing basic things. I look forward to coming up with GREAT things that I'll be uber proud to show off. In the meantime, I'll share a few things I've done, although I'm only semi excited about them.
2008 started off with me celebrating my 27th birthday! This year I was fortunate enough to celebrate with some of our closest friends - who also have January birthdays (the 3rd and 9th, with me in the middle on the 7th). We got to be adults and actually went to dinner minus children. My mother-in-law was in town and graciously watched the munchkins. We went to Olive Garden and had carb over load, washed down with chocolate martinis. Yummo! We truly need to do that more often...
The rest of the month has been spent mostly inside. As I type this it's 13 degrees out. That's an improvement over the 6 degrees when we woke up. It's decieving, though. The sky is crystal clear and the sun is shining. It makes you want to put on shorts, take a nice walk, and breath the fresh air. Actually walking outside gives you a quick reality check...you wish you would have put on a couple more layers, the cold air tightens your chest, and the slick ice is a reminder you should have just stayed inside.
We took some of our Christmas funds that we received and purchased some new software. It's.....drum roll, please....Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0. About a year ago I worked with Photoshop Elements doing digital scrapbook pages. Sadly, it was a trial version. My subscription ran out and I didn't have the funds at the time to purchase the software. Thanks to Costco haven't a $30 off coupon, I'm back in action!
It's amazing to me how your creative juices dry up when you aren't using them. I've had this software for several days now and I feel like I'm producing basic things. I look forward to coming up with GREAT things that I'll be uber proud to show off. In the meantime, I'll share a few things I've done, although I'm only semi excited about them.

Input and comments welcome!
Thank you all for your patience - I will try and post more regularly - key word "try".