*The rules are to link the person who sent this to you…and leave a comment on their blog.. so their readers can visit yours.
*post the rules on your blog
*Share 7 strange/weird facts about you on your blog
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog
*Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blog…
So 7 random things about me…
1. I can curl my tounge in multiple places. I saw somebody do it once on America's Funniest Home Videos, decided to try it, & voila!
2. I've lived in 4 different cities since being married to Troy (we'll celebrate our 5th anniversary next month)
Issaquah, WA
Bellevue, WA
The Dalles, OR
Spokane, WA
3. I have a hyphenated maiden name - given to me at birth. I vowed to myself that I would marry someone with a short name. Luckily, Troy's last name was only 6 letters - he made the cut. =)
4. The farthest east I've traveled is Las Vegas, NV. The farthest west I've traveled is Honolulu, HI.
5. My middle name has 2 capitals, but is one word.
6. I'm good at a lot of different things, but not great at any one thing.
7. I grew up knowing Shari Lewis, the ventriliquist, as an "aunt".
Ok, I don't know 7 people who read my blog, that have their own blog.
So, I tag anyone else who wants to participate!
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