My whole family has been under the weather this week and by today we all feeling like sticking close to home. In between sneezing and blowing noses, it was nice to just be. Be home. Be together. Be resting. Be a family. Finging joy in simple things.
Daddy had a great idea of working together as a family on a project. He (and the kids) picked baking brownies. The kids helped him drag out all the necessary items: ingredients, measuring instruments, bowls, and the mixer. They then took turns adding each thing.
(I should pause and tell you that they did wash their hand prior to beginning, but it's probably a good thing that we are pretty much home bound this weekend and keeping the brownies to ourselves. It's hard reminding toddlers NOT to lick things, or dip fingers into thing for the sake of staying ssanitary. So sorry, we will not be sharing this time.)
It was wonderful seeing everyone spending time with each other working on something collectively. What a great reminder to slow down, clear the calendar from time to time, and just be.
Here are some pictures from the festivities: