Earlier this week my husband came upstairs and announced that our washer was in deed broken. I just couldn't believe it....I went downstairs and fiddled with it myself. Nothing. It would fill with water and empty - never aggetate.
So, over the course of the last week we went from store to store trying to figure out the best deal. Our dream was to have a front loading set - better on clothes and more energy efficient. However, that was going to take quite an investment. We even went to our local ding and dent center where things are discounted due to having minor damage during shipping or having been a previous floor model. I would have gladly given them our money, until they acted like used cars sales men. Ugh! No thanks.
Next we went to Costco and Lowes. Both of them had comprable prices, however since we knew we'd need financing on this unexpected expense we choose to give Lowes our money. When you open an account with them they give you 10% off your first purchase. Ultimately, we decided to put our dreams aside (for now) and get a top loader. We are hoping when we go to sell our house next year that we will be able to use the profits of the house on upgraded appliances.
You don't realize how quickly laundry will pile up when things aren't in working order. Thankfully we have many dears friends that have been willing to let us do a few loads here and there over the course of the week. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to go to the laundry mat with two toddlers in tow.
Needless to say, I'm thrilled to have our new washer here and working! Wee hoo!
Congrats on the new washer. It's things like that that I take for granted. Hope all is well in your house!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear you can do your laundry again...what a bummer that must have been! Back to a load a day!
ReplyDeleteLove M