I feel like the mother in that song today. My four-year-old, TJ, is away on his first trip without mom and dad. My aunt and uncle came over this last weekend and when they left they took TJ with them. He'll be staying the week over in the Seattle vicinity & then we'll go pick him up this coming weekend. The total number of days with out mom and dad are 5.
Today was his first FULL day away. We received a total of 5 phone calls from him. I don't know what to expect the rest of the week - whether there will be more or less call. His calls are so sweet. He gives a recap of the last couple of hours, let us know we are still missed, and that he still has a love of all things Transformers.
For me, the mom, this is the first time I've ever been on the receiving end of his phone calls. I've always taken the kids here and there, so Mr. P has gotten phone calls from time to time, but never I. In person, TJ sounds like such a little man - a real boy. On the phone he sounds so little and far away to me. It reminds me of my little man of a few years ago.
He sent me a few pictures of his adventures today...

Dear Little Man,
Mom misses you so much! I want to hug, kiss, and cuddle you! I'm looking forward to seeing you at the end of the week.
Love you lots, mommy
*sniff* I totally understand the phone voice vs. in-person voice.