Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What You Think You Know

It amazing how sometimes the things you think you know are so very far from the truth...

Yesterday I thought I knew what Miss K was doing while I was working on a few chores. I thought she was in the office with her brother watching him play games on the computer. This was far from the truth.

A few minutes into vacuuming she came out to ask if "I liked her hair?" At first, in my busyness, I didn't notice - then I did a double take - my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. Miss K, while in the office, had found a pair of scissors. With the weapon-of-mass-destruction she attacked her hair. That's right, she cut her long, beautiful, blonde, locks. She bobbed the sides right off.

She was sent to her room, while I cooled down. She was so proud, yet I was so upset. While logic told me that it was going to be alright - almost every kid has done this & it WILL grow back - my emotion got the best of me. I was devistated. The tears began to flow. I called friends and family to seek affirmation that it was in deed going to be okay.

Once I was calmed down it was off to the hair dresser. It needed to be fixed. The good news was that she had what would normally be "bangs" pulled back into a ponytail. The cut she gave herself wasn't as much of a hack job as some horror stories I've heard. So, although we had to bob off the rest of her hair, we were not forced to cut bangs as well. Now, our little girl looks older with this more mature haircut. I have to admit, she DOES look pretty cute.

Moral of the Story: You don't always know what you think you know OR make sure scissors are always properly put away.

Still a little sad,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Cold and Flu Days of Winter

During the summer we often refer to the long, hot days, that nearly unbearable as "The Dog Days of Summer." At the oposite end of the year we meet another kind of day, yet still just as unbearable: "The Cold and Flu Days of Winter".

Late fall into winter always presents a challenge in our house. Our kids are constantly (or so it seems) plaugued with some sort of leak at any given exit point of their body. Tissue always on hand. Antibacterial spray at the ready. Reminders of sneezing into elbows and not hands given.

After chatting with my friend, Melissa (who has two and a half times as many children as we do), I got to thinking about all the things we can do to keep our families as healthy as possible. For the record, she and I have this conversation every year. It never has lost its importance. In fact, it becomes more and more relevant as we have more of our children going off to school.

So in no particular order here is the "to do" list I've come up with:
* Eat Well - balanced meals that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
* Wash Your Hands - this can not be done enough.
* Get Plenty of Sleep - finda routine that works for you and your body and stick to it!
* Take a Multi-Vitamin - I'm guilty of not doing this regularly, how about you?
* Get a Flu Shot - I've seen this work for some and have miserable outcomes for others. Do your research and do what's best for you.
* Avoid Sharing Objects - cups, food, utensils, pens, pencils, etc.
* Avoid Touching Your Nose, Mouth, and Eyes
* Reduce Stress
* Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill.
* Exercise Regularly

What's on your list? How do you go about keeping your family healthy during the winter? I'd love to hear your suggestions!

In the meantime, I pray that each one of you stay healthy this season!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife posted a "yet I" list. What a great idea! Despite the things in our lives that tend to bring us down - what a fun challenge to find the silver lining. Yes? So, here we go...

  • Mornings are brutal, yet I love a good cup of coffee.
  • I miss my family, yet I am thankful for the time I got to spend with them this weekend.
  • It's getting very cold in the Inland Northwest, yet I was able to find a fuzzy vest for Kailey for $2- she is now warm and stylish!
  • Most days I feel out of control, yet I know God is the one in control.
  • Our vehicles constantly have a to-do list about them, yet I have a vehicle that gets me from point A to point B.
  • DH is still going through a transition phase at work, yet I (we) are so thankful that he still has a job.
  • The new life group/class we are in at church will last until the end of March, yet I am thankful to be given an opportunity to fine tune my parenting skills and learn to "Grow Kids God's Way".
  • My coffee cup is now empty, yet I know there is more where that came from, for that I'm thankful!
  • I love to read blogs. I would love to post to mine regularly, but I don't - yet I know when the mood strikes me there are manly lovely ladies out there to inspire me to think.
  • Although I just saw my parents and brother 2 days ago the 300+ miles seems like as eternity away, yet I know it's only 6 weeks until they visit us - and we celebrate Thanksgivingmas (we are combining the two major holidays this year)!
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