Yesterday I thought I knew what Miss K was doing while I was working on a few chores. I thought she was in the office with her brother watching him play games on the computer. This was far from the truth.
She was sent to her room, while I cooled down. She was so proud, yet I was so upset. While logic told me that it was going to be alright - almost every kid has done this & it WILL grow back - my emotion got the best of me. I was devistated. The tears began to flow. I called friends and family to seek affirmation that it was in deed going to be okay.
Once I was calmed down it was off to the hair dresser. It needed to be fixed. The good news was that she had what would normally be "bangs" pulled back into a ponytail. The cut she gave herself wasn't as much of a hack job as some horror stories I've heard. So, although we had to bob off the rest of her hair, we were not forced to cut bangs as well. Now, our little girl looks older with this more mature haircut. I have to admit, she DOES look pretty cute.
Moral of the Story: You don't always know what you think you know OR make sure scissors are always properly put away.
Still a little sad,
Still a little sad,