XBOX Wife posted a "yet I" list. What a great idea! Despite the things in our lives that tend to bring us down - what a fun challenge to find the silver lining. Yes? So, here we go...
- Mornings are brutal, yet I love a good cup of coffee.
- I miss my family, yet I am thankful for the time I got to spend with them this weekend.
- It's getting very cold in the Inland Northwest, yet I was able to find a fuzzy vest for Kailey for $2- she is now warm and stylish!
- Most days I feel out of control, yet I know God is the one in control.
- Our vehicles constantly have a to-do list about them, yet I have a vehicle that gets me from point A to point B.
- DH is still going through a transition phase at work, yet I (we) are so thankful that he still has a job.
- The new life group/class we are in at church will last until the end of March, yet I am thankful to be given an opportunity to fine tune my parenting skills and learn to "Grow Kids God's Way".
- My coffee cup is now empty, yet I know there is more where that came from, for that I'm thankful!
- I love to read blogs. I would love to post to mine regularly, but I don't - yet I know when the mood strikes me there are manly lovely ladies out there to inspire me to think.
- Although I just saw my parents and brother 2 days ago the 300+ miles seems like as eternity away, yet I know it's only 6 weeks until they visit us - and we celebrate Thanksgivingmas (we are combining the two major holidays this year)!
That's a great list, friend! I need to post mine. : )