A friend of mine and I were discussing the sudden onslaught of Christmas the minute Halloween is over. It's apparent in major chain stores that there are certain holidays that are money makers and some that obviously are not. Which don't make money? Well, apparently Thanksgiving. All the things to adorn our tables and deck our halls for the fall holiday seem to have been boxed back up and stored for the winter. Or if you're lucky on a clearance table tucked in some obscure part of the store.
Since Thanksgiving is obviously not so important in the retail world I am thankful for
XBOX Wife promoting and spirit of thanks each week. What a blessing! It shouldn't be something that held for once day a year anyhow....
Onto this week's list. This week I'd like to highlight my job as teacher at the Extended Care Center at my son's school.
1. I am thankful to have a job. In these times of "financial crisis" I'm blessed to contribute to our family's bottom line.
2. I am thankful that the kids love crafts. I get to call on my inner-Martha and have fun doing it!
3. I am thankful for the younger girls that work there that are willing to play outside with the kids. It's getting cold and the kids could play outside forever. Thanks girls!
4. I am thankful for the director who is an open book and willing to let her employees run with their ideas.
5. I am thankful that I get to bring my kids to work. What a blessing!
6. I am thankful for my friend,
Michelle, who recommended me for the job.
7. I am thankful that I don't work everyday and that the director would let me cut back my hours if I need to.
8. I am thankful for working in a Christian environment.
9. I am thankful for the parents that are willing to stay and talk to you for a little bit. Talking with adults makes you feel human again. ;)
10. I am thankful for my husband that recognizes my need to contribute to the household by occasionally working outside the home. I am thankful he supports me in whatever role I'm in.
What are you thankful for this week?