Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

By Shawna of Scrappin' Snappin' Mama

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago…
Lets see, I was 17...
1. Just wrapping up my first quarter of my senior year
2. Skipping most classes to hang out in the art room
3. Captain of the volleyball team
4. Attending football games on Fridays
5. Hanging out with Jenifer or Janell

5 Things on my “To-Do” list today…
1. Dishes - wash and put away
2. Laundry - sort, wash, and put away
3. Call insurance company
4. Make dinner
5. Watch my kids play

5 Snacks I enjoy…
1. Chocolate
2. Bagels and Cream Cheese
3. Chocolate
4. String Cheese
5. Chocolate

5 Things I’d do if I were a Millionaire…
1. Pay off our house
2. Pay off school loans
3. Buy homes in the Seattle area and in Oregon
4. Put funds away for the kids to go to college
5. Have Troy and I each start our own businesses

5 Places I’ve Lived…
1. At home w/mom and dad
2. My first apartment in Everett
3. The eastside in Troy & I's first years of marriage
4. With Troy's parents
5. Spokane, WA

5 Jobs I’ve Had
1. Supervisor at Michaels
2. Intra-day Management Coordinator at Verizon Wireless
3. Stay At Home Mom
4. Associate at Mervyns
5. Extended Care Teacher at NWCS

5 People I Tag
1. Melissa
2. Samantha
3. Valerie
4. This place reserved for YOU!
5. This place reserved for YOU, too!

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Yes it was you! I think you are one of the only 4 people who read my blog!


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