I was reminded my a dear blogger friend that it's been nearly a month since I last posted. While I've stayed current on reading all of my friends' blogs, I've neglected mine yet again.
Let's see where to begin...
Weight watchers is going okay. I'm currently at a total loss of 5.4lbs or so. Honestly, I wish it were more. It's coming off, though, that's truly what matters. My friend, Michelle, and I have also been going to the gym. It's been good to get exercise. We've set a goal to lose 10% of our (own) body weight by Valentine's Day. After that I hope to do Bloomsday. In the 4.5 years that we've lived here in I've never done it. It's just over 7 miles - at a brisk walk I know I can do it!
Thanksgiving was lovely. My parents came over from the west side of the mountains. We actually celebrated "Thanksgivingmas" since we won't be seeing them for Christmas this year. It was good food, good fun, and good company. We are very sad to not be around family this holiday, but it's the safest thing for our family with the condition of the passes unpredictable.
My life is also kept busy with working (9-12 hours a week), serving at the coffee bar, leading a knitting group, shuttling Little Man to and from school 2 times a week, and attending a parenting class on Thursdays.
Life is crazy, but it's our life - beautifully chaotic.
How are you?
Hello my dear! I took your advice and added a little something to my own blog. : ) I kept the boring part, but added some holiday cheer...not pink though, sorry to disappoint! Thanks for the suggestion!