I'm sure you've (well, you few faithful followers) noticed that I started my Spring Cleaning out with a bang! It felt great. I was getting things done. My home was beginning to sparkle.
Then life started trickling in. I was scheduled more hours at work unexpectedly. Our youngest has been having sleep issues; leading yours truly to sleep deprivation. Ballet class started. On and on the list goes.
Some would look at these as excuses. I see them as challanges. While I haven't been able to stay on track with the "cleaning party" mentioned in previous posts, I have been able to get in little things here and there.
Yesterday for example, I had just come off a very hard day at work the day before and had been up that night with our daughter multiple times. I was exhausted. Add into that a visit to friend's house for dinner. Where do you fit in a massive cleaning?
Here's my little secret: it's in the little things. Okay, so maybe that isn't such a secret, but it helped put things in the perspective for me.
Last night once I was settled into comfy clothes, ready to unwind, and take in a season finale of my favorite show I realized I was sitting in a mess. Our rec-room was exactly that - a wreck! So, during commercials and slow points of the show I started gather all the miss placed objects (read: toys) and securing all the garbage in it's proper place (a bag - novel idea). By the time the show was over - I had a clean, (mostly) orderly room. The difference? Now it's only in need of a vacuum and dusting; not a complete overhaul.
Little things (steps) go a long way in keeping a family of four going.
How are things going for all of you cleaning up your homes for the Spring?
Great job Andrea! Kuddos! :)
It's okay. Life is crazy. Your cleaning will get done eventually, right? I haven't even tried to get my Spring cleaning started. Oh well, maybe once school is out I can get things organized around here!
oh my gosh I am with you sister. I did great on cleaning the upstairs with my hubby recently and then I was in charge of doing the downstairs and never quite made it happen.