Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh the place I will go...

There are so many bloggers out in the blog-0-sphere that inspire me each day that I thought I'd take a minute to feature them here and hopefully you'll be inspired too!

  • A Soft Place to Land: Kimba shares her thoughts, creativity and inspirations of her own.
  • Chasing Cheerios: Melissa shares her homeschool/montessori activities she does with her lovely daughter, O.
  • Frugal Chic Living: Crystal is a coupon GODESS!
  • Infarrantly Creative: Becky shares tales of mommyhood and crafy goodness.
  • Seven Matters: Melissa, one of my very best friends, offers her wisdom and insight on keeping up with a family of seven while while making Jesus the center of her life.
My list could go on and on, but I'm going to save more for another post. For now, go check out these lovely ladies and show them some love! They are all uniquely beautiful on the inside and out.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mid-Week Fun

I've been eyeballing the tye dye kits at Michael's and JoAnn's. However, the cost has been a bit out of reach. While wandering through the dreaded Walmart the other day I found a kit - ON CLEARANCE! Woo hoo! The final cost: $7 for the kit + $4 for the t-shirts = priceless fun with the kiddos!

We decided to make our shirts last night. It was a lot of fun. The kids and I all decided to make a swirl pattern on our shirts. This morning we were able to unveil our master peices.

Here they are in all their glory!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Make It Monday

Last week I missed posting our "Make It Monday" project. Last week is a blur, really. Hubby started school last week. He's working full time and going to school full time. Last week was the first taste of what our new routine will look like. Despite the chaos of it all we got our project done, I just never got to my blog to post about it.

"Make It Monday" Project #2: Decorated Crosses

* Wooden crosses from Dollar Tree
* Mod Podge
* Glitter
* Puff Paint

The kids had a great time making a mess with glue and glitter. The glitter ended up EVERYWHERE! On the project, the kids, the floor, and leaving a trail from the project location to the bathroom. The end peices turned out nice and the kids have requested to hang them in their respective rooms.

This week, I'm on it! We've done our project and here I am reporting to you. Way to go, huh? Not only that, but we did TWO projects.

"Make It Monday" Project #3: Stress Reliever Balls

* Balloons
* Rice or Beans

This project didn't go exactly as I envisioned it. I got this project idea from Chrissie at Flip Flops and Applesauce. In her directions she suggested a funnel. The kids and I made a funnel out of paper, but just couldn't get it to work. So, while I held the ballon open the kids took turns filling the balloons with hands full of rice. We followed the rest of the directions the same. They enjoyed this project, mostly because they got to make a mess with rice.

"Make It Monday" Project #4: Rice/Bean Bags

* 4" Squares of Fabric
* Rice
* Sewing Machine

The kids didn't help make these at all. They were still too busy playing with the balls they had just made. They were easy peasey. Sew wrong sides together around three and a half sides. Fill with rice (or beans, whichever you have on hand). Sew remaining portion closed.

Now, while the kids didn't help MAKE them, they sure enjoyed playing with them. They brought out their big blocks, made imaginative towers, and used them for target practice with the bean bags. So much fun! These will be great indoors and out since we'll be able to use them for catch, hopscotch, and of course knocking down towers.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tyler Through The Years

Our little man is so excited to be six, even though six is still four months away. Each time he mentions being six I can't help but wonder where the time has gone. In a blink of an eye he's gone from a baby to a school-aged boy! 

Each year I try to take a picture of the kids in front of our beautiful blossoming bush in our front yard. It's beautiful! There is only a small window that it's so beautiful, though. So, last year I only got Tyler and not Kailey. The first year we were here there are no pictures at all. Regardless, it's neat to go back and see the changes of the kids from year to year! 

Our little man, Tyler: 


Monday, June 1, 2009

Make It Monday!

It's summer here. Well, not offically, according to the calendar. However, Tyler is out of school & I'm no longer working, so summer break is upon us!

Last summer seemed to pass without much to show for it. It seemed to come and go so quickly that I don't recall any major events other than our trip to Boise. Who can't remember a 7 hour drive in the car with two kids, though?!?

Since the kids have been involved with school this year they are use to having things TO DO. With that said, I decided it would be a good idea for us to have planned activities throughout the summer. So, I came up with the idea to have Make It Mondays! The goal here is to have the kids make some sort of project each Monday. 

Today we tackled a small project. I bought small canvases that were on clearance at JoAnn's for us to paint. They each had our initials on them. You'll see in the following pictures that some of the letters survived and others, well, didn't. 


Paints + Kids = Fun Mess! 

It was fun getting our creative juices flowing! If you were to "Make It Monday" what kind of kid friendly crafts would you do? If you do this, I'd love to hear about it. Link back here! 

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