Monday, June 1, 2009

Make It Monday!

It's summer here. Well, not offically, according to the calendar. However, Tyler is out of school & I'm no longer working, so summer break is upon us!

Last summer seemed to pass without much to show for it. It seemed to come and go so quickly that I don't recall any major events other than our trip to Boise. Who can't remember a 7 hour drive in the car with two kids, though?!?

Since the kids have been involved with school this year they are use to having things TO DO. With that said, I decided it would be a good idea for us to have planned activities throughout the summer. So, I came up with the idea to have Make It Mondays! The goal here is to have the kids make some sort of project each Monday. 

Today we tackled a small project. I bought small canvases that were on clearance at JoAnn's for us to paint. They each had our initials on them. You'll see in the following pictures that some of the letters survived and others, well, didn't. 


Paints + Kids = Fun Mess! 

It was fun getting our creative juices flowing! If you were to "Make It Monday" what kind of kid friendly crafts would you do? If you do this, I'd love to hear about it. Link back here! 


1 comment:

  1. Great job busting out the paint for the kiddos. Thanks for the music advice. I actually downloaded a few of the songs from the Biggest Loser CD. I need to get some Kirk franklin on my IPOD. I can holy roll it with him...ha


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