How's the challenge going for all of you? Are you seeing any changes or benefits from it yet? I've so enjoyed reading all your responses. It's neat to see the transformation in your relationships.
Well, let's get on with today...
Mondays are hard for a lot of people. We spend the weekend doing the things we can't get done during the work week. Then Monday rolls around and we have to get back to the day-to-day battle of balancing work, school, soccer practice, grocery shopping, and __________, ___________, etc., etc. We each have a list of "must do", "need to do", and "would like to do".
As the wife/mom it seems like we are in a state of perpetual-multitasking-motion. Our lists seem never ending. Yes? While your waiting for the laundry to get done, your boiling water, wiping nose, chopping wood (that's for you Kero)....well, you get the point - the list goes on and on. I don't know about you, but because I'm often in my own world of multitasking I often forget about my husband's to-do list.
Wait. What?!? He has a list to?? Yes, it's true ladies.
Today's Challenge:
Find a way to bless your husband by taking something off of his list. There are a couple ways you can approach this one ladies:
* You can be direct. Take a moment to walk up to your husband and let him know that you know his plate is just as full as your. Then ask what you can do for him to make his load a little lighter the day and/or week.
* You can be indirect. Is there something that is a "Man Job" in your household? For example, my husband does the garbage every week. He takes the garbage out to the curb and brings it back in. I could easily do this, but over time has become "his job". What is "his job" in your house? Can you take it on just this once?
I'm hesitant to post this challenge because I know how hard you all work and taking on ONE. MORE. THING. will seem near impossible for some of you. Ladies, I remind you, this is a today thing - not a forever thing. I promise you, blessing your husband today (or this week) will help with a forever strengthened marriage. You can do it!
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