Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Husband Challenge - Day 1

Hello world! Can someone award me the worst blogger award, please? I digress....

On another site I frequent regularly I've volunteered to host a "husband challenge". In an effort to make my blog look like it actually has a purpose I though it would be good to post here, too. It is my goal, over the course of a month, to strengthen our marriages through fortifying our relationship with our husbands. So, on with the show...

Day 1: In The Beginning...

Whether you believe in evolution or creation, I think it's safe to say that most of us at least have an inkling of what the first book of the Bible says: "In the beginning God created..." It goes on to tell us what occurred over the next seven days. In those seven days man was created. It was noted that it was not good for man to be alone - then a helper was made suitable for him. Woman was made. The two were united. They were naked together and felt no shame. This is because the were so much ALIKE. That's right, in this case, opposites did not attracts. They were drawn to each other and were comfortable with each other because there were so much alike.

I know, I know, you're saying, "But Andrea, you don't know my husband. He couldn't be more different than me." Here are my thoughts on that: his differences are what make him interesting and unique, not what attracted you to him. The things that draw us to each other are a kinship.

For me, I saw in Troy a love for family, a love for God, and desire to be a hard worker. These are all things that I, too, saw in myself. Knowing those things were in his heart I knew that together we could reach shared life goals.

Challenge question: What are some ways you are similar? How have your differences and similarities strengthened your marriage?

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