I am truly blessed to be a stay-at-home-mommy. I get the joy of seeing my children play, learn, & grow. They get the security of knowing that there is always someone here for them. It's a win/win thing.
Staying home with the kids is not my only job. No. I also manage finances, meals, laundry, dishes, baths, schedules, etc. Don't get me wrong - I'm not alone. My husband and I are a great team; he does help me out. When things back-up, though, the fault lays mostly on my shoulders. I know that keeping house is not my forte. Congestion in the laundry and dishes department happen quite often.
That being said, I had to laugh when my son (age 5, almost 6) asked me today, "Mom, do you think you could do some laundry today?" There was no "tone" in his voice, it was a genuine question - particularly since it was brought on by not having any pajamas in his drawer for this evening. It made me laugh.
Yes, I need to do laundry. I admit it. My son called me on it. Good job, son!
What areas of your home have the most congestion? If you had a 5 year old kid in your home (5 year olds have no filters - they say what's on their minds) what would s/he ask you to do? I'm proud to say that my laundry is going now and little man will have pajamas to wear to bed tonight.
lol. Thanks for this little snippet into your life. My areas of congestion are usually dishes and paper. Paper, paper, paper, I can't ever seem to get a hold on it all...... errrrr.....