Today is not rainy. Today is a beautiful sunny, summer, day. However the kids were needing new stimulation. They've been to the pool, they played in the sun. Each has played enough video games to last them the rest of the year (or more). So, they both asked if they could break out the playdoh. Sure thing!
Uh oh! 75% of the playdoh we had in our containers was dried out. No good.
I could have easily assisted them in finding something else to do, but instead broke out a recipe my mother-in-love handed down to me a couple of years ago. My hands are various shades of pink and purple now from food coloring, but the kiddos are happily playing at the kitchen table AND think their mommy is one cool chick! Bonus!
Want to make your own?
Homemade Playdough From Our Kitchen to Yours
* 1/2C Salt
* 1C Flour
* 2t Cream of Tartar
* 1C Water
* 1T Oil
* Food Coloring
In saucepan, mix dry ingredients. Add water, oil, and color. Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pan (about 5 minutes). Stir Constantly. Remove from heat, cool, and knead. Store in air tight container up to 1 year.
What a good idea. I haven't made my own in a very long time. My 4 year old would be so happy if I would!