Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking Back on 2008


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Our first snow family built to ward off the winter blues.


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The hubby and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary at the Rock City Grill.


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Easter egg hunting is done in the snow this year.


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We are blessed with good weather and family starting to visit after a long winter.


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After a long winter, the rivers rise and rise and rise....


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Birthdays are celebrated with friends.


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Look who's THREE!!


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We travel to Boise, ID for the Phifer Family reunion.


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Look who's starting school! Time flies...


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Finally FIVE - he was so excited!


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This year we celebrated Thanksgivingmas, since we weren't going to see family over Christmas.


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December has been spent digging out of record snow, spending time with friends, and celebrating Jesus' birthday!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Update

Good evening friends, family, and acquaintances!

I was reminded my a dear blogger friend that it's been nearly a month since I last posted. While I've stayed current on reading all of my friends' blogs, I've neglected mine yet again.

Let's see where to begin...

Weight watchers is going okay. I'm currently at a total loss of 5.4lbs or so. Honestly, I wish it were more. It's coming off, though, that's truly what matters. My friend, Michelle, and I have also been going to the gym. It's been good to get exercise. We've set a goal to lose 10% of our (own) body weight by Valentine's Day. After that I hope to do Bloomsday. In the 4.5 years that we've lived here in I've never done it. It's just over 7 miles - at a brisk walk I know I can do it!

Thanksgiving was lovely. My parents came over from the west side of the mountains. We actually celebrated "Thanksgivingmas" since we won't be seeing them for Christmas this year. It was good food, good fun, and good company. We are very sad to not be around family this holiday, but it's the safest thing for our family with the condition of the passes unpredictable.

My life is also kept busy with working (9-12 hours a week), serving at the coffee bar, leading a knitting group, shuttling Little Man to and from school 2 times a week, and attending a parenting class on Thursdays.

Life is crazy, but it's our life - beautifully chaotic.

How are you?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Here I Go Again!

This morning I finally did IT. What is IT you ask? Well, I finally went back to Weight Watchers (WW). This is not the first time, obviously, that I've been there. WW and I are good friends. The last time I joined was a year and a half ago (or so) in anticipation of a summer trip to Nevada and California.

This time I've hoping it will be different. I'm hoping this time it's in anticipation of enjoying the rest of my life. That's where I think I was at a disadvantage last time. I had a short term goal and once it was accomplished I went back to my old bad ways. This time my goal is long term.

I don't have a lot to write about in regards to all of this. This is more of an accountability tool. Having you all out there knowing I'm taking this step will keep me motivated. May the future be full of SUCCESS posts.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

This week I'd like to highlight my wonderful husband. We've been through thick and thin in the last 6+ years. Yet, through it all he has stayed faithfully by my side every step of the way. He loves me unconditionally. He is one of the many blessings God has given me.

I am thankful that:
1. He chose me and he continues to choose me each and every day.
2. He is a loving, kind, and devoted father. The kids love their daddy and are secure in knowing how much he loves them in return.
3. He works hard, so that I am able to stay home with the kids. What a blessing it is to stay home and watch my kids grow.
4. He loves God - with all his heart.
5. He lets me sleep in every weekend.
6. He recognizes the value of my friendships and is willing to let me go have a cup of coffee with my girlfriends anytime.
7. He's not afreaid to help around the house - my man can cook, do laundry, and take out trash with the best!
8. He's always been okay with me persuing employment outside of the house - every so often I feel the need to contribute financially and lets face it - get some adult contact!
9. He puts up with all my crafty chaos.
10. He is a talented writer & artist - I hope someday he follows his dreams of being published.

I love you, Troy! Thanks, again, for choosing me...


Monday, November 10, 2008

Put up on a Pedestal

This holiday season, since we are hosting dinners this year, I've been working on trying to come up with ways to make my table festive and inviting. Of course, it all must be done on a budget, too. This calls for a trip to my two favorite stores: The Craft Store & The Thrift Store! My perfect day...

The Thrift Store
* 3 plates & 3 Cups/Bowls: $3

The Craft Store
* E6000 Industrial Glue: $4

The Finished Product:
* 3 Pedestals for my table: FABULOUS!

The How-To:

  • A Plate
  • A Base (cup, bowl, candle holder, etc)
  • Industrial Stength Glue
The What To-Do: Take plate and glue base to bottom. The end.

What I started out with:

The Finished Product - Easy Peasey!

Have fun!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Contest: Win Baby Legs - Leg Warmers!

Win 20 Pairs of Baby Leg Warmers from babySNAZZ!

Thanks to Sarah @ GrabaCuppaJoe I found out about a great give-a-way at Baby Snazz. You can win 20 pairs of baby leg warmers! Baby leg warmers are great for children of all sizes. From infants that need a little extra warmth, to cruisers who need to avoid rug burn, to toddlers.

For my daughter, Miss K, we love them because it makes potty training a snap! She is a girly girl who LOVES wearing skirts. However, now that it's getting colder something has to be on those bare legs. Tights are so hard to get up and down while potty training. With baby legs you can stay warm, and go potty, without all the added hassel!

Head over to their site! They've got a lot of adorable merch.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

A friend of mine and I were discussing the sudden onslaught of Christmas the minute Halloween is over. It's apparent in major chain stores that there are certain holidays that are money makers and some that obviously are not. Which don't make money? Well, apparently Thanksgiving. All the things to adorn our tables and deck our halls for the fall holiday seem to have been boxed back up and stored for the winter. Or if you're lucky on a clearance table tucked in some obscure part of the store.

Since Thanksgiving is obviously not so important in the retail world I am thankful for XBOX Wife promoting and spirit of thanks each week. What a blessing! It shouldn't be something that held for once day a year anyhow....

Onto this week's list. This week I'd like to highlight my job as teacher at the Extended Care Center at my son's school.
1. I am thankful to have a job. In these times of "financial crisis" I'm blessed to contribute to our family's bottom line.
2. I am thankful that the kids love crafts. I get to call on my inner-Martha and have fun doing it!
3. I am thankful for the younger girls that work there that are willing to play outside with the kids. It's getting cold and the kids could play outside forever. Thanks girls!
4. I am thankful for the director who is an open book and willing to let her employees run with their ideas.
5. I am thankful that I get to bring my kids to work. What a blessing!
6. I am thankful for my friend, Michelle, who recommended me for the job.
7. I am thankful that I don't work everyday and that the director would let me cut back my hours if I need to.
8. I am thankful for working in a Christian environment.
9. I am thankful for the parents that are willing to stay and talk to you for a little bit. Talking with adults makes you feel human again. ;)
10. I am thankful for my husband that recognizes my need to contribute to the household by occasionally working outside the home. I am thankful he supports me in whatever role I'm in.

What are you thankful for this week?


I've Been Tagged!

By Shawna of Scrappin' Snappin' Mama

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago…
Lets see, I was 17...
1. Just wrapping up my first quarter of my senior year
2. Skipping most classes to hang out in the art room
3. Captain of the volleyball team
4. Attending football games on Fridays
5. Hanging out with Jenifer or Janell

5 Things on my “To-Do” list today…
1. Dishes - wash and put away
2. Laundry - sort, wash, and put away
3. Call insurance company
4. Make dinner
5. Watch my kids play

5 Snacks I enjoy…
1. Chocolate
2. Bagels and Cream Cheese
3. Chocolate
4. String Cheese
5. Chocolate

5 Things I’d do if I were a Millionaire…
1. Pay off our house
2. Pay off school loans
3. Buy homes in the Seattle area and in Oregon
4. Put funds away for the kids to go to college
5. Have Troy and I each start our own businesses

5 Places I’ve Lived…
1. At home w/mom and dad
2. My first apartment in Everett
3. The eastside in Troy & I's first years of marriage
4. With Troy's parents
5. Spokane, WA

5 Jobs I’ve Had
1. Supervisor at Michaels
2. Intra-day Management Coordinator at Verizon Wireless
3. Stay At Home Mom
4. Associate at Mervyns
5. Extended Care Teacher at NWCS

5 People I Tag
1. Melissa
2. Samantha
3. Valerie
4. This place reserved for YOU!
5. This place reserved for YOU, too!

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What You Think You Know

It amazing how sometimes the things you think you know are so very far from the truth...

Yesterday I thought I knew what Miss K was doing while I was working on a few chores. I thought she was in the office with her brother watching him play games on the computer. This was far from the truth.

A few minutes into vacuuming she came out to ask if "I liked her hair?" At first, in my busyness, I didn't notice - then I did a double take - my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. Miss K, while in the office, had found a pair of scissors. With the weapon-of-mass-destruction she attacked her hair. That's right, she cut her long, beautiful, blonde, locks. She bobbed the sides right off.

She was sent to her room, while I cooled down. She was so proud, yet I was so upset. While logic told me that it was going to be alright - almost every kid has done this & it WILL grow back - my emotion got the best of me. I was devistated. The tears began to flow. I called friends and family to seek affirmation that it was in deed going to be okay.

Once I was calmed down it was off to the hair dresser. It needed to be fixed. The good news was that she had what would normally be "bangs" pulled back into a ponytail. The cut she gave herself wasn't as much of a hack job as some horror stories I've heard. So, although we had to bob off the rest of her hair, we were not forced to cut bangs as well. Now, our little girl looks older with this more mature haircut. I have to admit, she DOES look pretty cute.

Moral of the Story: You don't always know what you think you know OR make sure scissors are always properly put away.

Still a little sad,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Cold and Flu Days of Winter

During the summer we often refer to the long, hot days, that nearly unbearable as "The Dog Days of Summer." At the oposite end of the year we meet another kind of day, yet still just as unbearable: "The Cold and Flu Days of Winter".

Late fall into winter always presents a challenge in our house. Our kids are constantly (or so it seems) plaugued with some sort of leak at any given exit point of their body. Tissue always on hand. Antibacterial spray at the ready. Reminders of sneezing into elbows and not hands given.

After chatting with my friend, Melissa (who has two and a half times as many children as we do), I got to thinking about all the things we can do to keep our families as healthy as possible. For the record, she and I have this conversation every year. It never has lost its importance. In fact, it becomes more and more relevant as we have more of our children going off to school.

So in no particular order here is the "to do" list I've come up with:
* Eat Well - balanced meals that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
* Wash Your Hands - this can not be done enough.
* Get Plenty of Sleep - finda routine that works for you and your body and stick to it!
* Take a Multi-Vitamin - I'm guilty of not doing this regularly, how about you?
* Get a Flu Shot - I've seen this work for some and have miserable outcomes for others. Do your research and do what's best for you.
* Avoid Sharing Objects - cups, food, utensils, pens, pencils, etc.
* Avoid Touching Your Nose, Mouth, and Eyes
* Reduce Stress
* Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill.
* Exercise Regularly

What's on your list? How do you go about keeping your family healthy during the winter? I'd love to hear your suggestions!

In the meantime, I pray that each one of you stay healthy this season!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife posted a "yet I" list. What a great idea! Despite the things in our lives that tend to bring us down - what a fun challenge to find the silver lining. Yes? So, here we go...

  • Mornings are brutal, yet I love a good cup of coffee.
  • I miss my family, yet I am thankful for the time I got to spend with them this weekend.
  • It's getting very cold in the Inland Northwest, yet I was able to find a fuzzy vest for Kailey for $2- she is now warm and stylish!
  • Most days I feel out of control, yet I know God is the one in control.
  • Our vehicles constantly have a to-do list about them, yet I have a vehicle that gets me from point A to point B.
  • DH is still going through a transition phase at work, yet I (we) are so thankful that he still has a job.
  • The new life group/class we are in at church will last until the end of March, yet I am thankful to be given an opportunity to fine tune my parenting skills and learn to "Grow Kids God's Way".
  • My coffee cup is now empty, yet I know there is more where that came from, for that I'm thankful!
  • I love to read blogs. I would love to post to mine regularly, but I don't - yet I know when the mood strikes me there are manly lovely ladies out there to inspire me to think.
  • Although I just saw my parents and brother 2 days ago the 300+ miles seems like as eternity away, yet I know it's only 6 weeks until they visit us - and we celebrate Thanksgivingmas (we are combining the two major holidays this year)!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

I've been on the hunt for something to jump start my blog again and I was directed to this challege: 10 Things Tuesday. 10 Things Tuesday encourages you to write 10 things you are thankful for. Thank you to XBOX WIFE for this inspiration!

10 Things I'm Thankful For:
  1. The birds have finally discovered my bird feeder and are willing to brave eating out of it despite my bird-hunting cats. They [the birds] are so much entertainment to watch.
  2. God is good. He has provided so many blessings to people close to me [my family included]. I praise all of His works.
  3. Little Man is enjoying school. On days that he's not feeling well he says, "school will make me feel better."
  4. I've been given a job that lets me bring my kids with me and bring additional, valuable, income into our household.
  5. My in-laws came to visit this weekend and we were able to enjoy the last few beautiful sunny days of summer/fall together.
  6. My mommy is flying in on Sunday. She will be here to celebrate Little Man's 5th birthday with us.
  7. My DH's still has his job. His company recently was bought out and that kind of shake up always causes a stir.
  8. I have amazing friends who are beautiful inside and out.
  9. My children express love towards each other and mean it.
  10. God always knows what doors to open and which to close.

Having a thankful attitude is contagious - what are you thankful. I encourage you to recognize the things in your life that you are thankful for and share them with others.

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