Monday, December 7, 2009

Creating Christmas: Holiday Recipe

Well, I've neglected this blog once again. However, I found a blog party I'm excited to be a part of, so here I am - back in the saddle. Sure, I'll be a little achy in the morning, but it will be worth it.

This is the party that I'm going to:
The Girl Creative

Day 1: Favorite Holiday Recipe

I don't have anything that particularly screams holiday. However, once the weather cools down and we are forced inside as a family we all like to bake and make yummy goodies. Baking cookies are particularly fun (and easy) for the kids to help out with.

One of our tastiest treats we like to make are Butterscotch Oaties. My husband got the recipe from a friend, who got it from his mom, so I'm not sure if this is top secret or not. Just in case let's just keep it between you and I, huh? =)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Friend Makin' Monday: What do you do? What to you wish you did?

Good Monday morning! It's been a while since I've been here, again. Life has been quite busy. We're currently balancing 3 school schedules, jiu-jitsu, dance, volleyball, and hubby's job. It seems pretty crazy around here right now.

However, more now than ever, I need my friends. They help keep me grounded and give me perspective in the chaos. That's why I was so excited to see Friend Makin' Monday. Even so those of you who read my blog are scattered, it's nice to know that there might be someone out there who has been there, done that.

Friend Makin' Monday is a chance for my readers to get to know me a little bit better. Who am I? What makes me tick? Today's topic is: What are your hobbies? What do you wish you knew how to do?


What are you hobbies?

* Well, I like to do a lot of things. I generally don't have time for all of them, though. When feeling crafty, I tend to knit & crochet. I'm an instant gratification kinda girl, so most projects are small. BUT I just cast on an afgan, so wish me luck in that I actually finish it.

* Paper crafts interest me: scrap-booking, card making, etc. I'm a perfectionist, though. So, I rarely tackle those types of projects.

* Home decor, I love - my budget doesn't. So, I do with what I have and my friends and family fill in the rest.

* Playing volleyball. Playing, coaching, watching - I love it all.


What do you wish you knew how to do?

* Paint. I would love to paint something I'd be proud enough to hang in my house and let everyone see.

* Sing. I know many great singers. People who sing high, people who sing low. People who are just plain AWESOME. Me? Not so much. I'm lucky I don't kicked out of the sanctuary during worship at church. Ha!

* Write. Sure, I try my hand at it with this blog. Let's face the facts, though, I have 14 "followers". It's either because of content, quality, or quantity. I know I don't post much, but I believe that's part of my problem as I writer - I don't have time to develop it.

So, how about you? What do you do? What do you wish you did?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can you do some laundry?

I am truly blessed to be a stay-at-home-mommy. I get the joy of seeing my children play, learn, & grow. They get the security of knowing that there is always someone here for them. It's a win/win thing.

Staying home with the kids is not my only job. No. I also manage finances, meals, laundry, dishes, baths, schedules, etc. Don't get me wrong - I'm not alone. My husband and I are a great team; he does help me out. When things back-up, though, the fault lays mostly on my shoulders. I know that keeping house is not my forte. Congestion in the laundry and dishes department happen quite often.

That being said, I had to laugh when my son (age 5, almost 6) asked me today, "Mom, do you think you could do some laundry today?" There was no "tone" in his voice, it was a genuine question - particularly since it was brought on by not having any pajamas in his drawer for this evening. It made me laugh.

Yes, I need to do laundry. I admit it. My son called me on it. Good job, son!

What areas of your home have the most congestion? If you had a 5 year old kid in your home (5 year olds have no filters - they say what's on their minds) what would s/he ask you to do? I'm proud to say that my laundry is going now and little man will have pajamas to wear to bed tonight.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Homemade Playdoh

Normally, something like playdoh is reserved for rainy days in our house. It generates an imagination in the kiddos like no other. They build things from Pokemon to Giraffes to Cars. They have endless amounts of fun with the squishy goodness.

Today is not rainy. Today is a beautiful sunny, summer, day. However the kids were needing new stimulation. They've been to the pool, they played in the sun. Each has played enough video games to last them the rest of the year (or more). So, they both asked if they could break out the playdoh. Sure thing!

Uh oh! 75% of the playdoh we had in our containers was dried out. No good.

I could have easily assisted them in finding something else to do, but instead broke out a recipe my mother-in-love handed down to me a couple of years ago. My hands are various shades of pink and purple now from food coloring, but the kiddos are happily playing at the kitchen table AND think their mommy is one cool chick! Bonus!

Want to make your own?

Homemade Playdough From Our Kitchen to Yours
* 1/2C Salt
* 1C Flour
* 2t Cream of Tartar
* 1C Water
* 1T Oil
* Food Coloring

In saucepan, mix dry ingredients. Add water, oil, and color. Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pan (about 5 minutes). Stir Constantly. Remove from heat, cool, and knead. Store in air tight container up to 1 year.


Summer Lovin', Havin' Some Fun!

Summer, sweet, summer.

The kids have been busy taking swimming lesson. I've been busy taking them to and from swimming lessons.

They've done fantastically well. They just started their 3rd session of the summer. While all three sessions have been level 2, they've progressed each and every session. Both kids can now float on their fronts and backs. Amazingly, they will both submerge themselves underwater, too. This is amazing because Kailey has been so reluctant for so long to put her face under water. Now they are both little fish!

Not only has summer been consumed by swimming, but volleyball, too. We've had a blast! The group that we play with is such a blessing to us. Without sounding too "five-year-oldish", everyone plays so well together. We play, we eat, we have fun. It's really helped me have a happier heart when it comes to volleyball. My few friends that read this blog will tell you that I've needed an attitude adjustment. I hope they know that I've been working on my 'tude.

We'll be wrapping up summer activities over the course of the next two weeks. This coming weekend we'll be heading to Boise for a family reunion. Swimming lessons will come to a close the following Thursday. Then....

School starts September 1st! Woot woot! My baby boy starts kindergarten... **sniff**sniff**

How many of you are headed back to school or have you started school already?


Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh the place I will go...

There are so many bloggers out in the blog-0-sphere that inspire me each day that I thought I'd take a minute to feature them here and hopefully you'll be inspired too!

  • A Soft Place to Land: Kimba shares her thoughts, creativity and inspirations of her own.
  • Chasing Cheerios: Melissa shares her homeschool/montessori activities she does with her lovely daughter, O.
  • Frugal Chic Living: Crystal is a coupon GODESS!
  • Infarrantly Creative: Becky shares tales of mommyhood and crafy goodness.
  • Seven Matters: Melissa, one of my very best friends, offers her wisdom and insight on keeping up with a family of seven while while making Jesus the center of her life.
My list could go on and on, but I'm going to save more for another post. For now, go check out these lovely ladies and show them some love! They are all uniquely beautiful on the inside and out.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mid-Week Fun

I've been eyeballing the tye dye kits at Michael's and JoAnn's. However, the cost has been a bit out of reach. While wandering through the dreaded Walmart the other day I found a kit - ON CLEARANCE! Woo hoo! The final cost: $7 for the kit + $4 for the t-shirts = priceless fun with the kiddos!

We decided to make our shirts last night. It was a lot of fun. The kids and I all decided to make a swirl pattern on our shirts. This morning we were able to unveil our master peices.

Here they are in all their glory!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Make It Monday

Last week I missed posting our "Make It Monday" project. Last week is a blur, really. Hubby started school last week. He's working full time and going to school full time. Last week was the first taste of what our new routine will look like. Despite the chaos of it all we got our project done, I just never got to my blog to post about it.

"Make It Monday" Project #2: Decorated Crosses

* Wooden crosses from Dollar Tree
* Mod Podge
* Glitter
* Puff Paint

The kids had a great time making a mess with glue and glitter. The glitter ended up EVERYWHERE! On the project, the kids, the floor, and leaving a trail from the project location to the bathroom. The end peices turned out nice and the kids have requested to hang them in their respective rooms.

This week, I'm on it! We've done our project and here I am reporting to you. Way to go, huh? Not only that, but we did TWO projects.

"Make It Monday" Project #3: Stress Reliever Balls

* Balloons
* Rice or Beans

This project didn't go exactly as I envisioned it. I got this project idea from Chrissie at Flip Flops and Applesauce. In her directions she suggested a funnel. The kids and I made a funnel out of paper, but just couldn't get it to work. So, while I held the ballon open the kids took turns filling the balloons with hands full of rice. We followed the rest of the directions the same. They enjoyed this project, mostly because they got to make a mess with rice.

"Make It Monday" Project #4: Rice/Bean Bags

* 4" Squares of Fabric
* Rice
* Sewing Machine

The kids didn't help make these at all. They were still too busy playing with the balls they had just made. They were easy peasey. Sew wrong sides together around three and a half sides. Fill with rice (or beans, whichever you have on hand). Sew remaining portion closed.

Now, while the kids didn't help MAKE them, they sure enjoyed playing with them. They brought out their big blocks, made imaginative towers, and used them for target practice with the bean bags. So much fun! These will be great indoors and out since we'll be able to use them for catch, hopscotch, and of course knocking down towers.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tyler Through The Years

Our little man is so excited to be six, even though six is still four months away. Each time he mentions being six I can't help but wonder where the time has gone. In a blink of an eye he's gone from a baby to a school-aged boy! 

Each year I try to take a picture of the kids in front of our beautiful blossoming bush in our front yard. It's beautiful! There is only a small window that it's so beautiful, though. So, last year I only got Tyler and not Kailey. The first year we were here there are no pictures at all. Regardless, it's neat to go back and see the changes of the kids from year to year! 

Our little man, Tyler: 


Monday, June 1, 2009

Make It Monday!

It's summer here. Well, not offically, according to the calendar. However, Tyler is out of school & I'm no longer working, so summer break is upon us!

Last summer seemed to pass without much to show for it. It seemed to come and go so quickly that I don't recall any major events other than our trip to Boise. Who can't remember a 7 hour drive in the car with two kids, though?!?

Since the kids have been involved with school this year they are use to having things TO DO. With that said, I decided it would be a good idea for us to have planned activities throughout the summer. So, I came up with the idea to have Make It Mondays! The goal here is to have the kids make some sort of project each Monday. 

Today we tackled a small project. I bought small canvases that were on clearance at JoAnn's for us to paint. They each had our initials on them. You'll see in the following pictures that some of the letters survived and others, well, didn't. 


Paints + Kids = Fun Mess! 

It was fun getting our creative juices flowing! If you were to "Make It Monday" what kind of kid friendly crafts would you do? If you do this, I'd love to hear about it. Link back here! 


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mission Accomplished: Pre-Kindergarten

~September 2008~
~May 2009~

Well done, son! 
Mommy & Daddy are SO proud of you!! 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life vs. Good Intentions

Have you ever gotten started on something (a good intention) and then have life totally jump in the way of completing that though, idea, intention? 

I'm sure you've (well, you few faithful followers) noticed that I started my Spring Cleaning out with a bang! It felt great. I was getting things done. My home was beginning to sparkle. 

Then life started trickling in. I was scheduled more hours at work unexpectedly. Our youngest has been having sleep issues; leading yours truly to sleep deprivation. Ballet class started. On and on the list goes. 

Some would look at these as excuses. I see them as challanges. While I haven't been able to stay on track with the "cleaning party" mentioned in previous posts, I have been able to get in little things here and there. 

Yesterday for example, I had just come off a very hard day at work the day before and had been up that night with our daughter multiple times. I was exhausted. Add into that a visit to friend's house for dinner. Where do you fit in a massive cleaning?

Here's my little secret: it's in the little things. Okay, so maybe that isn't such a secret, but it helped put things in the perspective for me. 

Last night once I was settled into comfy clothes, ready to unwind, and take in a season finale of my favorite show I realized I was sitting in a mess. Our rec-room was exactly that - a wreck! So, during commercials and slow points of the show I started gather all the miss placed objects (read: toys) and securing all the garbage in it's proper place (a bag - novel idea). By the time the show was over - I had a clean, (mostly) orderly room. The difference? Now it's only in need of a vacuum and dusting; not a complete overhaul. 

Little things (steps) go a long way in keeping a family of four going. 

How are things going for all of you cleaning up your homes for the Spring? 


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Cleaning Day 4

The kitchen is an ongoing battle for me. One would think that with its size (being SUPER small) that it would be easy to maintain, nurture, and love. No, in fact, it's the oposite. It seems that since its so small it clutters easily and every mess stand out like a sore thumb. 

I'm thankful that we are doing the kitchen in multiple parts, much like the living room. Today's focus (as suggest because I'm such a good little student) was to go through the food cupboards. For me, this amounts to one main cuboard. Really. My kitchen is THAT small. 

To start I took all the food out and wiped down the surfaces. Can you smell the Lysol now? Yum! Once it was squeaky clean, I started gradually adding things back in. Boxed goods neatly on the top shelf. Baking good on the middle. Finally, cans and misc. on the bottom. Viola! 

Simple Mom asks today: What do you love about your kitchen? What one thing do you most want to change?

I love that my kitchen has a dishwasher. It didn't start out that way. When we bought our house that was one of the things it was lacking. Thankfully, it was also one of the first things dear hubby and I were able to invest in. I HATE doing dishes by hand, so naturally, I LOVE having a dishwasher. 

One thing I most want to change?? Just one? Gust the whole things and build a new one off the back of the house. Does that count as one? 

Okay, realistically? I would either A) install an over the range microwave to make more counter space or B) have new countertops installed. I think to make me truly excited about my current kitchen I would need to do A & B in; that order. 

How about you? What do you think about your kitchen? Do you love it? What would you change? 


The Problem With Spring Cleaning....

...or cleaning in general:

I have two little rottens who follow behind me and un-do everything. Ugh.

Anyone have any motivation out there? Help a sister out! 


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Spring Cleaning Day 3

What do you have in your closet? Monsters? Skeletons? Secrets? 

Mine....well, in all honesty, a hot mess! 

Staying in the living room, I tackled the coat closet this morning. Oy! The first task was emptying the said closet. This took my breath away a little bit because my living room floor was now a mess. Yes, the same room/floor that I just got done cleaning up last night. **Gasp!**

There were just too many odds and ends in there. Why do we need multiple phone books or ANY for that matter when I have a computer within a few feet. Out to the recycling bin they went. 

Winter gear, while still a bit chilly here, bagged up and put in storage. 

All sports goods in a rubermaid tote for east access. 

All shoes returned to their rack. 

It felt/feels good to accomplish that task. The closet has been in need of attention for a while now and this week was just the motivation I needed. Now if only it would stay that way....

Oh, and here's the requisite picture:

(sorry no "before" - it was just TOO scary)


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning Day 1 & 2


Lets get this party started!

First things first. A confession. I didn't do a whole lot for day #1. Day #1 in the e-book, from Simple Mom, wanted you to go through each room of the house and toss any garbage; then quickly find things that should be in a sell/give box. Thinking large scale like that - just isn't my thing. So, I promised myself I would look for these items each day vs. all at once. Note: I DID pick up garbage. Yay me! 

Onward to today. Today was a very busy day! By busy I mean running around from here to there without a minute (hardly) to be home tidying my home. There was work at the church - off to Kailey's ballet class - called in to work again. **sigh** The kids and I left the house at 8:45, stopped in briefly to have lunch at about 1:30; zipped out the door again and weren't settled back home until 6PM. 

All that said, I never thought I'd get to this: 


However, after dinner - while my dear hubby entertained the children - I got down to business. I can't believe howmuch clutter I allow to invade our lives. It is INSANE! I tossed out a lot. I also simplified a lot of our flat surfaces. There was too much going on. Things are much more calm now. 

What do you think? Much better, huh? 

While I did do a lot of cleaning: wipping, vacuuming, dusting, etc. Tomorrow's focus is going to be really getting down to the nitty gritty of this room. Plus, there is a closet still that I haven't touched. I'm afraid there may be monsters in never know. 

Wish me luck! 


Monday, May 4, 2009

Plates, Cups, Bowls - Oh my!

What kind of dishes do you have? 

When my husband and I got married we registered for a set of dishes that were very hip and modern. They were black with black and charcoal colored squares adorning the edges. The dinner plates were huge and surprisingly deep for a plate.

The thing is, we quickly became a family with different need. Juggling a home, kids, jobs, etc. Urban chic dishes became a thing of the past. We then welcomed cheap Ikea dishes. I should say inexpensive. These dishes has withstood a lot of abuse and we still have them today. They work, they are functional. 

I've always told myself I would get new dishes someday to go with my decor. I would love to have a beautifully decorated table where all our guests felt warm and welcome. People, the day has come - while I may not be able to afford them, a girl can dream (and maybe drool a little, too) - I have found a set that I absolutely ADORE.

Dayspring now has a line called the Life Collection. It's beautiful. Please, go check them out and drool with me. 

Here's the great thing - Kimba, over at a Soft Place to Land, has a give-a-way happening. It's a $50 gift certificate to DaySpring. Now, this would not get me the whole collection, but it would be a start. How about you? You want in? Just go visit Kimba, comment on her post about the give-a-way and your in! 


Sunday, May 3, 2009


Isn't Spring wonderful? Don't get me wrong there is beauty in all the seasons He has created. The warmth of Summer. The color of Fall. The crisp white freshness of snow in Winter. However, the beauty of Winter fades a little when the chill stays a little longer than it's welcome and the snow melts, making way for a muddy mess. Eventually, that mud and muck are washed away to reveal the beauty of Spring. Spring's beauty is its newness, a clean fresh start to a new year.

Generations have participated in the tradition of Spring Cleaning. Normally, I don't have a "plan" when it comes to Spring Cleaning. I do a bit here and there, but never had an attack plan. This year I've fallen into the loving hands of Simple Mom. 

Simple Mom has written her own e-book on Spring Cleaning. Not only that, but she is hosting a Spring Cleaning Party on her blog (here).

So, with all that said - this year, I have a plan. My plan is to follow along with her for the next two weeks. I plan to refresh, renew, and reenergize my home - three qualities that I love about Spring. 

Will you join me? 


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shopping for Boys is Always SO Hard!

Seriously?! Must ALL men's screen print tees have skulls on them?

I don't know what it is, but recently when hubby and I were looking for new apparel [for him] anything that caught our eye had a skull in/on it. Seriously. It may not have been super obvious, but it was there.

We may just end up ordering from here.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

God's Cake

I got this in my email box this morning and thought it was too good NOT to share...

Sometimes we wonder, 'What did I do to deserve this?' or 'Why did God have to do this to me?' Here is a wonderful explanation!

A daughter is telling her mother how everything is going wrong: she's failing algebra; her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.

Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, 'Absolutely, Mom, I love your cake.'

'Here, have some cooking oil,' her Mother offers. 'Yuck,' says her daughter.

'How about a couple raw eggs?'

'Gross, Mom!'

'Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?'

'Mom, those are all yucky!'

To which the mother replies: 'Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But He knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break Project #3

Today's project has been a learning process. Yes, it's another knitted project. I completed it, but don't know if I'll send it to the intended recipient. I'm not 100% happy with the finished result.

It's a hat knitted in the round called Skater Baby. The pattern is written by Emily Vanek @ Coffeebra. It's a well written pattern, I just think I did a poor job executing it. It's suppose to have a slight brim to it - by adding a cardboard insert. I did this, however it doesn't appear large enough. To me, you can hardly tell it's there.

Then I made a mistake; this is where the learning process comes in. I decided that when adding the cream stripes I would carry the yarn across. This is something I've never done before, so I ended up winging it. At first glance it's not a huge deal, except I must have kept the tension too tight because there isn't enough "give" to the hat any more.

When and if I make another I will A) make the brim wider/larger and B) jog the 2nd color up the seam instead of carrying it across.

In the end I'm glad I did it. It's not perfect, but I learned from it. Now I know what to expect the next time and quite possibly will make two: one for baby and one for papa - especially knowing that I can complete this project in a day.

Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break Project #2

Today's project, although a new pattern, was an easy one. It's your basic dish/washcloth. The pattern is called Waffle Knit Dishcloth from Homespun Living. I originally found the pattern on Ravelry.

It knit up very quickly. Also, even in this variegated yarn, the pattern and texture pop out nicely.

I haven't decided who the recipient will be yet. However, as usual with dishcloths, I'll wrap it up with a nice bar of soap and some ribbon. It will be a fun surprise to send to one unsuspecting family member. My cousin, Lydia, and I were talking about how nice it is to receive packages in the mail - how much better is it when it's out of the blue and a surprise?

I can't wait to get it out!

Love, Andrea

A Steal of a Deal

Lately, I've been introduced to several ladies who are bargain shoppers. I'm not just talk good deals here - I'm talking about getting a whole mess of things for virtually nothing. They have helped me realize there are bargains out there to stretch our dollar a little farther in this economic crisis we are all currently living through. It's an exhilarating experience.

Today, I took the advice of Frugal Chic Living and stocked up on Ronzoni pasta products. I got 10 boxes for $2.50! Safeway is currently running a Mix'n'Match promotion where if you buy 10 products then you get them all at a reduced price. With the Mix'n'Match promo they were already a bargain at .75 cents a box. However, Safeway currently has a coupon dispenser for the Ronzoni products. The coupon was for .50 cents off. That brought the cost of each box down to .25 cents per box!! Too good to pass up.

I should add that when I went to "my" Safeway they were out of coupons. So, I had to stop at a store while out in the valley this morning. I'm glad I did though. Now, if my kids had a little more patience I might have got double that. It takes a little time for the coupon dispenser to dish out all 10 coupons. Maybe this evening one my hubbo is home I'll try another Safeway store.

Lots of love,

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break Project #1

This is my first year, since having kids, that I get to officially say I'm on Spring Break. With Tyler in school now and me working at the school we are joyful that we are able to have a week to spend together without running around crazy. I've decided that if I'm going to finally have quality time at home I'm going to get some things done.

Today I finished up two knit bibs, one that I started last week and one that I started this weekend. It's a cute pattern that I found on Ravelry called: Modern Cable Baby Bib. The pattern is written by Andrea Pomerantz @ It was a super easy and totally cute project.

Here's what my final product looks like:

They've been packaged up and sent across the state. My cousin & her little peanut should receive them in the next couple of day. So much fun!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 13: Unplugged

Do you find yourself distracted? I know I do.

Cell Phone.

Those are only a few of my daily distractions. What are yours? We're talking about the things here (that generally plug-in) that distract you from participating in the life that is standing right in front of you. Is you breathing starting to increase anticipating what is going to be asked of you?

Slow down. Breath. We will get through this challenge together.

Unplug. For 24 hours. Invest time in the life you are in. Online will always be there. Offline won't.

I'm following along with Kimba at A Soft Place to Land. 03-27-09 is being declared as a day to unplug. See? You're not being asked to this today - regain your breath. This is a week from now. You have time to prepare.

By unplugging, you are simply eliminating your distractions. It's a change to practice everything we've been working on for a full 24 hours. It's a chance to love on your husband 100%; with all that you have. It's a chance to do those things with your family "if you only had more time." Make time. Unplug.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 12: Sing a Song

The Song of Solomon, in The Bible, is a love story - detailing the relationship and love language of a man and woman. Verses 5:10-16 is the woman's description of her lover. It reads this way in The Message translation:

My dear lover glows with health—
red-blooded, radiant!
He's one in a million.
There's no one quite like him!
My golden one, pure and untarnished,
with raven black curls tumbling across his shoulders.
His eyes are like doves, soft and bright,
but deep-set, brimming with meaning, like wells of water.
His face is rugged, his beard smells like sage,
His voice, his words, warm and reassuring.
Fine muscles ripple beneath his skin,
quiet and beautiful.
His torso is the work of a sculptor,
hard and smooth as ivory.
He stands tall, like a cedar,
strong and deep-rooted,
A rugged mountain of a man,
aromatic with wood and stone.
His words are kisses, his kisses words.
Everything about him delights me, thrills me
through and through!

That's my lover, that's my man,
dear Jerusalem sisters.

It can do a husband in if he feels repulsive to his wife. Remember this: "Criticism leaves scars; but encouragement can bring healing." Encourage your husband today by praising his uniqueness.

Today's Challenge: As you look over your husband's body, from the tip of his toes to his bald or bushy head, thank God that your husband is "wonderfully made," then admire your husband verbally. (Strong arms? Hairy chest? Firm hands? Big feet? Rugged chin? Wide shoulders? Compassionate eyes? Broad smile?)

Love, Andrea

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 11: What's Your Love Language?

According to the book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, there are 5 ways that we receive and/or give "love". Giving and receiving love isn't as easy as just saying "I love you." Love is a choice. You must choose to express love in a way that will be joyfully received as love by your partner. If your spouse doesn't enjoy physical touch - when you hug him it may not say "I love you", it may say "your smothering me".

As mentioned before there are 5 languages and they are:
* Physical Touch
* Acts of Service
* Receiving Gifts
* Quality Time
* Words of Affirmation

It is important to know and realize that your love language and his may not be the same. So, it's worth your time for you to both find out what your love language is. Discuss it. Be specific. Work with each other on how to best "talk" to each other.

Today's challenge is to go to this website:
Both of you should take this test. It will help you both find your language and then begin to perfect your dialect. Work together on this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 10: 20 Questions

I think I could honestly say that each of us have filled out a "Meme Survey" in the past. You know the ones....a survey that question you - thus making it all me, me, me. In the beginning stages of a marriage/relationship we do that, don't we? Ask question after question to make sure we are with "the one". Once you're married, though, and living together EVERY DAY, it's sometimes easy to feel like there's nothing left to say. Try these questions to jump-start some lively discussions between you.

* If you could keep just one memory, which memory would you keep?

* How would you describe your ideal day? your ideal weekend? your ideal vacation?

* If you could spend one uninterrupted hour with any person alive, who would it be? why?

* If out house caught fire (and everyone was safely out) what three things would you most want to save? why?

* What
do you want your life to be like at 70?

This topic is dear to me because Troy and I often do this on long trips to make the time go faster. On most occasions it's prompted by passing a billboard that says the lotto is currently as some crazy amount. Then we talk about what we would do if we had that kind of money. In the end we laugh together because we both say, "now, if only we actually bought lotto tickets!" It's interesting though, to see our priorities change each time. We find that just by sparking a new conversation we learn things that we may not have known before. That's your goal here. Don't a
ssume you know everything. Whether you've been married for 5 years or 50 years there's always more to learn about the mate you've chosen. Go for it!

Make this FUN ladies!! Oh, and one more thing - do not take anything personal! This is a conversation, NOT a debate!! If you ask your honey, "If you could spend one uninterrupted hour with any person alive, who would it be? why?" and he doesn't say YOU - don't get offended. You asked, let him answer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 9: Something To Come Home To

Good morning!

This morning, I'd like to ask you - what is your husband coming home to? Is it a hot-mess, chaotic, and generally unpleasant? it a sanctuary, pleasing, and comforting?

Are you thinking, "Andrea, coming home to me and the kids should be enough!" Well, sure. Family is a great thing to come home to, but as wives and mothers we are capable of so much more. Here, let me tell you what my husband has had the pleasure of coming home to lately...

I've been the picture of perfection in the same pajamas I've been in for the last couple of days. Yes, admittedly, I've been in my pajamas for multiple days. My hair glistening from not being washed. The kids in their underwear. The dishes in the sink. Dinner not even thought of. Laundry needing folded. And, and, get the point.

Our husbands work hard and they deserve to come home to a place of peace. Let's be honest, though, peace looks and feels different to each person. So, you are going to have to be creative and really look into the inner working of your husband. What is it that would make your husband give a large *sigh of relief*?

Here are some ideas to get you started:
* Make sure the room he walks into first when he comes home is picked up and in order.
* Have dinner on the table if you know what time he's going to be home.
* Have the children dressed.
* Have yourself dressed.
* Have your hair and make-up done.
* Have his favorite music softly playing in the background.
* Have a cup of coffee or (insert favorite drink here) ready.

The goal here is to make him feel thankful for being away from work and the in the comfort of home. One small baby step at a time ladies. Don't try and tackle your whole list today - prioritize and do what you know will bring him the most peace. If you don't know - ask him. "Honey, what things would you love to come home to?" Ask his top 3 and work on those first. Once those become easy it will be a cinch to add more.

Alright, time for me to go pick up the living room, start dinner in the crock-pot, and get the kids and I dressed for the day!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 Things Tuesday 02.17

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

Today I'm thankful for:

1. My mother-in-law. She made the trip from Central Oregon to the Inland NW to visit us for 5 days. It had been 4+ months since we had seen her.
2. My aunt and uncle. They made the trip from Western Washington to Eastern Washington to visit us. We hadn't seen them since last July.
3. My mom and dad. They will be visiting us this weekend for 3 days. We always enjoy their visits and appreciate them making the trip over to visit us.
4. Our friends from Seven Matters who are our family by choice here in Eastern Washington.
5. Our friends, The Daniels, who in spite of us not being able to get together recently still call to check in with us regularly. We miss you!
6. Our church family. We are getting more plugged in and it feels great!
7. The sunshine that has been around for a couple days - come on Spring!!
8. The journey mercies that have been granted to our family in all their travels.
9. The ability to go visit my family in a couple weeks.
10. My husband who is finally feeling better after nearly 3 weeks of being sick. I love you, honey!

Love, Andrea

Day 8: It's His Turn!

Yesterday we took a look at recognizing how our husbands recognize us for the work we do. Today we will reciprocate that by encouraging our husbands for the work they do. The following is an excerpt from the Revive Our Hearts 30-Day Husband Challenge.

Let him labor, working with his hands what is good. (Eph. 4:28b)

We are all accountable for the things we say, both negative and positive words. Have you embraced the challenge to speak only positive things to your husband and to others about him? Here's a suggestion that touches the core of your husband's world.

Some women take their husband's career for granted, and they show it in many ways. Do you "dump" on your husband at the end of the workday, or do you strengthen and encourage him with your words? A wise wife will make her husband feel that she values and appreciates his work. Let him know that you are glad he is a hard worker. Take opportunities to praise his diligence and resourcefulness to others.

If your husband is out of work, unable to work, or refuses to work, you'll need to be more creative. Praise him for a character quality that you see in him that would be a vital part of a successful career—such as persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical mind, organizational skills, good with people, good listener, determination, etc.

Love, Andrea
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