Good Monday morning! It's been a while since I've been here, again. Life has been quite busy. We're currently balancing 3 school schedules, jiu-jitsu, dance, volleyball, and hubby's job. It seems pretty crazy around here right now.
However, more now than ever, I need my friends. They help keep me grounded and give me perspective in the chaos. That's why I was so excited to see
Friend Makin' Monday. Even so those of you who read my blog are scattered, it's nice to know that there might be someone out there who has been there, done that.
Friend Makin' Monday is a chance for my readers to get to know me a little bit better. Who am I? What makes me tick? Today's topic is: What are your hobbies? What do you wish you knew how to do?
What are you hobbies?
* Well, I like to do a lot of things. I generally don't have time for all of them, though. When feeling crafty, I tend to knit & crochet. I'm an instant gratification kinda girl, so most projects are small. BUT I just cast on an afgan, so wish me luck in that I actually finish it.
* Paper crafts interest me: scrap-booking, card making, etc. I'm a perfectionist, though. So, I rarely tackle those types of projects.
* Home decor, I love - my budget doesn't. So, I do with what I have and my friends and family fill in the rest.
* Playing volleyball. Playing, coaching, watching - I love it all.
What do you wish you knew how to do?
* Paint. I would love to paint something I'd be proud enough to hang in my house and let everyone see.
* Sing. I know many great singers. People who sing high, people who sing low. People who are just plain AWESOME. Me? Not so much. I'm lucky I don't kicked out of the sanctuary during worship at church. Ha!
* Write. Sure, I try my hand at it with this blog. Let's face the facts, though, I have 14 "followers". It's either because of content, quality, or quantity. I know I don't post much, but I believe that's part of my problem as I writer - I don't have time to develop it.
So, how about you? What do you do? What do you wish you did?