Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can you do some laundry?

I am truly blessed to be a stay-at-home-mommy. I get the joy of seeing my children play, learn, & grow. They get the security of knowing that there is always someone here for them. It's a win/win thing.

Staying home with the kids is not my only job. No. I also manage finances, meals, laundry, dishes, baths, schedules, etc. Don't get me wrong - I'm not alone. My husband and I are a great team; he does help me out. When things back-up, though, the fault lays mostly on my shoulders. I know that keeping house is not my forte. Congestion in the laundry and dishes department happen quite often.

That being said, I had to laugh when my son (age 5, almost 6) asked me today, "Mom, do you think you could do some laundry today?" There was no "tone" in his voice, it was a genuine question - particularly since it was brought on by not having any pajamas in his drawer for this evening. It made me laugh.

Yes, I need to do laundry. I admit it. My son called me on it. Good job, son!

What areas of your home have the most congestion? If you had a 5 year old kid in your home (5 year olds have no filters - they say what's on their minds) what would s/he ask you to do? I'm proud to say that my laundry is going now and little man will have pajamas to wear to bed tonight.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Homemade Playdoh

Normally, something like playdoh is reserved for rainy days in our house. It generates an imagination in the kiddos like no other. They build things from Pokemon to Giraffes to Cars. They have endless amounts of fun with the squishy goodness.

Today is not rainy. Today is a beautiful sunny, summer, day. However the kids were needing new stimulation. They've been to the pool, they played in the sun. Each has played enough video games to last them the rest of the year (or more). So, they both asked if they could break out the playdoh. Sure thing!

Uh oh! 75% of the playdoh we had in our containers was dried out. No good.

I could have easily assisted them in finding something else to do, but instead broke out a recipe my mother-in-love handed down to me a couple of years ago. My hands are various shades of pink and purple now from food coloring, but the kiddos are happily playing at the kitchen table AND think their mommy is one cool chick! Bonus!

Want to make your own?

Homemade Playdough From Our Kitchen to Yours
* 1/2C Salt
* 1C Flour
* 2t Cream of Tartar
* 1C Water
* 1T Oil
* Food Coloring

In saucepan, mix dry ingredients. Add water, oil, and color. Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pan (about 5 minutes). Stir Constantly. Remove from heat, cool, and knead. Store in air tight container up to 1 year.


Summer Lovin', Havin' Some Fun!

Summer, sweet, summer.

The kids have been busy taking swimming lesson. I've been busy taking them to and from swimming lessons.

They've done fantastically well. They just started their 3rd session of the summer. While all three sessions have been level 2, they've progressed each and every session. Both kids can now float on their fronts and backs. Amazingly, they will both submerge themselves underwater, too. This is amazing because Kailey has been so reluctant for so long to put her face under water. Now they are both little fish!

Not only has summer been consumed by swimming, but volleyball, too. We've had a blast! The group that we play with is such a blessing to us. Without sounding too "five-year-oldish", everyone plays so well together. We play, we eat, we have fun. It's really helped me have a happier heart when it comes to volleyball. My few friends that read this blog will tell you that I've needed an attitude adjustment. I hope they know that I've been working on my 'tude.

We'll be wrapping up summer activities over the course of the next two weeks. This coming weekend we'll be heading to Boise for a family reunion. Swimming lessons will come to a close the following Thursday. Then....

School starts September 1st! Woot woot! My baby boy starts kindergarten... **sniff**sniff**

How many of you are headed back to school or have you started school already?

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