Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday: Clutter

For today's Tackle It Tuesday challenge I took on the daunting task of decluttering the bookshelf in out front room. It's the closest thing to the front door with a flat surface, so it naturally collects lots of clutter - keys, mail, found objects, etc. It's been staring at me for weeks, begging to be cleaned off, straightened up, and rid of things that just shouldn't be there.

Thanks goodness for 5 Minutes for Mom and their Tackle It Tuesday challenge. I did it. I took the time to completely declutter the bookcase, but it didn't stop there. It brought a motivation upon me like no other. Now, my entire front room is clean and free of things that just shouldn't be there.

It's perfect timing, too. We are having company over tomorrow night that we haven't spent any really quality time with in over a year. We've seen them from time to time in the grocery store, at church, in odd random places, and we always say "we really need to get together." It's finally happening. They are coming over tomorrow and my cluttered front room won't destracted from conversation.

Let's keep it real, I'm the mom of two toddlers - it WILL be a mess again, it's inevitable. However, for now it's beautiful and I'm thankful. =)


See more Tackle It Tuesday challengers at: 5 Minutes For Mom

1 comment:

  1. Your challange is far more greater than mine, especially with two todlers wanting your undivided attention. Give yourself a pat on the back.


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